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Part 3: Natural Wall Systems & Foundations Package

Realize your dream of building a mud home with "Natural Wall Systems & Foundations." Explore the domain of earthen walls and robust foundations. Discover techniques involving mud, lime blends, and waterproofing. Grasp the role of plant mixtures, natural gums, and fibers in creating durable walls. Uncover flood-resistant foundations, budget-friendly approaches, and user-friendly methods to build walls with mud and also other natural materials without cement. Immerse yourself in each course for comprehensive understanding. Develop the skills to craft solid structures that align seamlessly with your chosen roofing style.

Language: English
Duration: 5 hr
Learn at your own pace
Validity: 365Days
*The displayed price is inclusive of GST(18%), Payment Gateway Charges(2-3%), Platform Charges(10%), Affiliate Charges(20%)*

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About the package

Continuing from our popular "Part 1: Essential Materials of Natural Building" and "Part 2: Roofing Techniques," we proudly introduce "Part 3: Walls and Foundations." This segment provides a deep dive into foundational elements, empowering you to start your building journey from scratch. These are essential insights for anyone aspiring to build a home.

In this package, you'll explore

  1.  Foundation, Plinth, and Plinth Beam
  2.  Different Methods of Making Mud Walls

Discover techniques using only mud, as well as stabilized mud with lime, and waterproofing with pozzolanic materials. Understand the role of plant mixtures, natural gums, and fibers in wall construction. Cover flood-resistant foundations, durable walls, cost-effective approaches, and simple techniques that anyone can easily learn and do in a step-by-step manner.

Highlights of this course

  • Different foundations without cement
  • Types of Plinth and plinth beam using limecrete
  • Wall system using mud such as Cob, Adobe, Wattle and Daub, CSEB, Earthbag, also using stone, Brick, etc..
  • Types of Masonry and bond, such as RR Masonry, Dry rubble masonry, English and Flemish bond, Rat Trap bond and its advantages
  • Different types of mortars, such as mud mortar, mud and lime mortar, lime sand mortar, lime pozzolanic mortar, etc
  • Fixing openings like doors and windows 
  • Learn to do sculptures and various elements like niches, air ducts, etc

For a complete understanding, delve into each course individually. This course equips you to create solid foundations, sturdy walls, and structures that complement your chosen roofing methods.

Also, check out our Part 1-4: Complete Companion of Natural Building, through which you can learn about the materials, roofing techniques, walls, foundations and finishes. 

What you’ll get in this package

3.1 Foundation, Plinth, Plinth Beam
3.3 Different Methods Of Making Earthen Walls

Learn about Roof before walls as they are the one which walls have to carry!!!


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Write to us for exclusive access to our early bird offer on the complete online course package (Part 1- 4), available only for selected learners. Gain lifetime access to limitless learning and take advantage of this limited-time opportunity to save while doing your natural building. 

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